Two syllable words are also called “Disyllabic or Bi-syllabic” words.
Thus, the stress can either be on the FIRST syllable or on the SECOND (also the last) syllable in the word.
Stress placement rules for disyllabic words
The stress placement on two syllable words largely depends on whether the word is a noun, verb, adjective or preposition.
1. Nouns and Adjectives
Most disyllabic nouns and adjectives are stressed on their FIRST syllable.
- RE-fuse (trash / bin)
- PRE-sent (gift / being around)
- EX-port (items taken abroad)
- HAND-some (adjective)
2. Verbs and Prepositions
Most disyllabic verbs and prepositions are stressed on their SECOND syllable.
- re-FUSE (to decline / reject)
- pre-SENT (to show / perform)
- ex-PORT (to take items abroad)
- be-SIDE (preposition)
Class Activity
State if these words are nouns, verbs or/and adjectives. (Some are TWO)
- Sunset = _________
- Happy = _________
- Venture = ________
- River = _________
- Correct = _________
Comment your answers below. I’ll mark them and reply you ASAP.
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